lunes, 29 de agosto de 2016

Where are the twins?

"They used to be a lovely couple of twins, their names were Logan and Jake, they were adorable. They were always smiling, just as her mother used to do, but since that tragedy I have never seen her smile again"-The young sister of the Monica, the mother of the twins.

So here begins the story of that happy family...It was and ordinary Sunday, the family finished having lunch, so the twins decided to go and play outside, while their parents were sleeping... When the Monica woke up went to call the twins, but they were not there. Parents, family,friends, FBI, everyone trying to find the twins, but finding them was not going to be easy.

Days, weeks, months, and years passed and everyone had the same question "Where were the twins?", but there was no answer for that question. As time passed, things were getting worse, the family was unhappy, they didn't had the twins.

Surprisingly, the detectives decided to interview one more time to the family. And the answers were different than the first time, a person self-confessed a terrible thing, that he was guilty of the disappearance of Logan and Jake. "A man offer me a lot of money if I gave him the twins, so I decided to make Monica sleep while I gave that man the twins"-Explained Mark, father of the twins.

13 of December 2012, that was the last time he ever saw them again.

miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2016

Desde otro planeta, Los Feltios

1er párrafo:

Los feltios, habitantes del planeta Felt, han desarrollado una importante actividad artística.


Entre los feltios el arte del canto cuyo origen se remonta a los comienzos de la civilización.
La mas antigua de las canciones conservan eran interpretadas exclusivamente por un coro femenino.
Pero ya en épocas de segundo imperio, se impuso el gusto por las composiciones para coros mixtos y solistas. Para acompañar sus cantos los Feltios solo emplean instrumentos de viento. El mas apreciado de todos ellos por la especial calidez de su sonido es una especie de flauta que los artesanos fabrican con tallos de una llamada ranzmel ranz caña mel cantora.


 Aunque el teatro goza de gran prestigio y popularidad, entre la población del planeta durante las grandes festividades con que se  el fin de las cosechas, están prohibidas las representaciones dramáticas. Desde tiempos inmemoriales el teatro ha sido cultivado por todas las tribu de feltios. Los actores se dividen en dos categorías, la de los que consagran al korn (genero mudo basado en mímica y el uso de mascaras) y la de los que se dedican al resto de las obras dramáticas.


 En las telas de los artistas feltios contemporáneos, predominan las representaciones de plantas y animales extremadamente esterilizados.