Dear Diary,
Today is Monday and every Monday a little girl always comes on Monda, and asks for two tissue papers. She very shy and I don't know why. She is the only client of Mondays. She makes me forget of the bad things of my life, like that I am married with Rosa. I didn't like her to be my wife or that I am working in this boring job. I hate to be forced to work where i don't like or married a person that I don't love.
See you Diary.
June 15.
Dear Diary,
Another boring Monday, but you won't believe what I have discovered. That innocent little girl stole two chocolate bars, and she does it every Monday. That was the reason why she i so shy.
I think that I should do something to help her or she will end like me,living a horrible forced life and It is going to be my fault because I am the only person that knows that she is doing bad things. Maybe she would end like my uncle, in prison. So I have o do something to help her, but I have to tell it in a perfect way, because she has to understand that what does is wrong. But I don't want to hurt her feelings. So I am a little bit shocked but I will talk to her next Monday.
I will bring new news.
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